Love Smart Cards
Reduce conflict. Empower love.
The Love Smart Cards are an educational social-emotional learning tool that strengthens intra and interpersonal skills in emotional literacy, empathic understanding, conflict resolution, gratitude practice, and character development.
The box of Love Smart Cards includes four colorful decks of cards, four index cards, and a Getting Started Guide.
The four decks of cards - 262 cards in total - include:
- 84 Universal Longings/Needs cards
- 54 Emotions Connected to Longings
- 54 Emotions Connected to Met Longings
- 56 Character Strength Cards
- 14 Guiding Question Cards
In contrast to having words lists, by flipping through the cards, one at a time, the “player” is more likely to feel a somatic connection to the various emotions, needs and values written on the cards. Word lists, while helpful, can be overwhelming in times of duress as the mind is often wanted to break from the problem, however, reading one word at a time is easy. The mind can easily ask, “do I feel this now?” and answer with a yes, no, or maybe. While this process is simple, the result of doing it can be surprisingly profound. Regular use of these cards builds the vocabulary and line of thought that supports successful conflict resolution, trains an attitude of gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness, builds character, and supports emotional resiliency.
The cards can be played to create better understanding of your personal situation, but can also be used to create deeper compassionate understanding for others you might be in conflict with and can be used as a bridge for understanding.
“Tears of joy rolling done my face --- for the first time in a very long time (if ever)... I feel heard, validated & oh so loved! Just ripping into my deck right now! What a gift!!!” ~ Karen O., Strathmore, Canada
"When my wife and I have had a challenging time, the Love Smart Cards have been incredibly helpful. They have allowed us to truly understand what the other was feeling and needing--without resorting to the sometimes tricky problems of verbal communication when stressed. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to better understand the people they love." ~ Jonathan Robinson, author of the N.Y. Times bestseller, "Communication Miracles for Couples.”
"Time and time again, I lean on the Love Smart Cards in my personal life and relationship and they literally work miracles. Thank you for providing such an epic resource.” ~ Tanner Petrilla, Nevada, USA