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The Qualities Game Card Pack Photo
Learning Tool in English

The Qualities Game

64 cards to discover our qualities

Maëlle Challan-Belval


The Qualities game is an innovative teaching tool designed to develop psychosocial skills. It includes 64 cards and a leaflet with 10 game rules.

It helps players to:

  • develop a lexical register to talk about qualities;
  • be able to speak with finesse and precision about ourselves;
  • identify personal and professional skills;
  • build group cohesion while having fun.

The qualities game flashcards is an innovative teaching tool for psychosocial skills. It includes 64 cards and a leaflet with 10 game rules.


Thanks to The qualities game flashcards, each participant learns to:

  • naming qualities;
  • recognize their qualities;
  • link a quality to a skill;
  • argue about qualities.


The game helps to:

  • consolidate self-esteem;
  • develop your lexical register of qualities;
  • talk about yourself with finesse and precision;
  • project yourself into the future, encouraged by your qualities;
  • cooperate and develop a sense of belonging to the group.


Introspection +++
Emotional expression +++
Listening skills and empathy +++
Oral participation ++
Questioning ++
Critical awareness +++


The qualities game comes in a cardboard box containing:

  • 64 colored and numbered qualities cards, each with 4 qualities: 1 main quality on the front and 3 related qualities on the back;
  • an user guide with essential information on the qualities, 10 inspiring game rules and a complete list of the game's 256 qualities.

The game lets you explore 256 human qualities.


The game is:

  • inclusive: it uses the Luciole font, designed for the visually impaired;
  • all-round: suitable for schools and corporate seminars;
  • illustrated: the drawings on the cards are evocative, inspiring and fun;
  • ambitious: a lexicon of 256 qualities;
  • eco-responsible: the cards and box are printed in Europe, on paper from responsible sources.


A sturdy, elegant box containing printed and laminated cards, plus instructions for use in the form of a small booklet.


The qualities game printable version in pdf.


  • schools, colleges, training centers, universities, orientation;
  • coaching sessions, training, business consulting, team management, skills assessments, retraining, back-to-work;
  • therapy, discussion groups, workshops, individual interviews, psychological follow-up, conflict management, mediation.


  • group workshop (recommended group size: 6 to 14 participants maximum);
  • individual interviews.


  • health professionals, prevention workers, social workers, doctors, psychologists, therapists, dieticians, sex therapists and sexologists;
  • teachers educators, trainers, consultants, coaches, image consultants.


  • children aged 6 and over;
  • teenagers;
  • adults, professionals, beginners and experts.

Language: English


Maëlle Challan Belval founded and presides over Comitys, a training organization specializing in psychosocial skills and emotional, relational life education.

Maëlle Challan Belval is motivated to create educational tools to help young people express themselves, to help parents find the right words, to introduce children to emotions, and to equip workshop leaders to deal with emotional and relational life issues. Her publications help to create a climate of trust on intimate and sensitive subjects, and to encourage deep reflection.

The Qualities Game Cards Photo

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