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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

4 Big Conflict Mistakes You Might Be Making – Catherine Cooley

By: Catherine Cooley


Wednesday, Mar 05, 2025 4:30 PM —
Wednesday, Mar 05, 2025 6:00 PM
Timezone: Europe/Berlin

4 Big Conflict Mistakes You Might Be Making – Catherine Cooley

If you are like most people, chances are you are making 4 big mistakes when you find yourself in conflict.
Learn why and how to correct these 4 Big Mistakes and practice the solutions right away. Mastering these will greatly improve the quality of your connections with all the people in your life, at work and at home.
Your rewards?
New levels of ease, psychological safety, authenticity, and collaborative team spirit.

[The workshop is organised in the frame of Time for Empathy 2025]

When: 5 March 2025, 16:30-18:00 CET (Berlin time)

Most workshops during “Time for Empathy” are not recorded, so the only possibility of participating is to join the session. The sessions that will be recorded, we will make available to others if the quality is satisfying. We may also use parts of the recording for marketing and publicity across various media. If you do not wish to be recorded, switch off your camera and microphone for the whole duration of the session.

Language: English
Cost: FREE

To take part in this workshop, register for the “Time for Empathy” event here:
NOTE: Register only ONCE for the whole event and receive access to all “Time for Empathy” workshops organised between 2 and 9 March 2025.
About the trainer:

Catherine Cooley is a communication and conflict coach and trainer, speaker, founder of Peaceabl, and a Certified Trainer through the Center for Nonviolent Communication. (,,
Catherine coaches and trains executives and their teams to achieve greater connection, clarity, psychological safety, emotional resilience, collaboration, and alignment to shared purpose and goals. She respectfully insists they bring these skills home too!
Her peace and team building path is far-reaching.
Catherine has led Emotional Intelligence and relationship repair support groups for a mental health agency.
She co-developed second generation Active Peace Circles (APC), a Restorative Justice circle process for resolving and repairing organizational conflicts with a needs-based lens.
She has facilitated communication and conflict workshops in federal prison for the Alternative to Violence Project.
She trained community peace ambassadors from a disadvantaged community in Nairobi, Kenya.
She is a member of Rotary International World Peace E-Club and Mediators Beyond Borders International.
Catherine lives in Southern California and has a long time passion for environmental stewardship. She loves going to the beach, hiking in the mountains, meditation, and spending time with friends, especially in council circles, retreats and dance events.



  • Conflict Resolution