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Life Enriching Communication

On conflicts and their peaceful resolution with Nonviolent Communication (a conversation with Gabriele Seils)

Gabriele Seils, Marshall Rosenberg


Life Enriching Communication - on conflicts and their peaceful resolution with Nonviolent Communication (a conversation with Gabriele Seils)

This book is based on a series of conversations between the internationally recognized peace broker and conflict expert, the psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. and the German journalist and communication trainer Gabrielle Seils.


"This is the most important communication process you will ever learn!" - William Ury, author of the book Get 'yes' when you negotiate.

"Rosenberg's compassionate and inspiring message cuts right to the heart of successful communication" - Anthony Robbins, business coach and author.

"It is especially Rosenberg's many stories and examples from his own life and work that make this book so vivid, so easy to understand ... and so delightful to read." - Katrin Schumacher, WDR Radio.

"This book is an appetizer for people who know nothing about Nonviolent Communication, which by the way I like best to call "Giraffe Language" ... and for me it has been a pleasant reunion with a man who sincerely works to make the world a better place to be.” - Lane Lind

Denne bog er lavet på baggrund af en række samtaler mellem den internationalt anerkendte fredsmægler og konfliktekspert, psykologen Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.d. og den tyske journalist og kommunikations-træner Gabrielle Seils.

»Dette er den vigtigste kommunikations-proces du nogensinde kommer til at lære!« - William Ury, forfatter til bogen Få ´ja´ når du forhandler.

»Rosenbergs medfølende og inspirerende budskab skærer lige til benet af vellykket kommunikation« - Anthony Robbins, business coach og forfatter.

»Det er især Rosenbergs mange historier og eksempler fra sit eget liv og arbejde, der gør denne bog så levende, så let at forstå ... og så herlig at læse.« - Katrin Schumacher, WDR Radio.

"Denne bog er en appetitvækker for folk, som ikke kender noget til Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation, som jeg i øvrigt bedst kan lide at kalde "Girafsprog" ... og for mig har den været et behageligt gensyn med en mand, der oprigtigt arbejder på at gøre verden til et bedre sted at være." - Lane Lind

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