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Firmin Didagbe portrait

Firmin Didagbe

Certified Trainer since 2022

Speaks French
Current Country: Benin
"Many people link Nonviolence to physical violence, when in fact there are other forms of violence. For example, the violence people inflict on themselves by blaming or criticizing themselves, which leads to depression. But also, the violence inflicted by parents on their children when they use guilt and shame to have an impact on them. And so, in this way, we are all involved in violence in one way or another."

Originally from Benin, I have been working in schools in my country for over thirty years. Having grown up during my school life in a school system that used verbal and physical violence and having been a victim of this system, I learned throughout my life to run away into the wild. I always wondered why the educators I met used all forms of violence as a strategy for dealing with children. Why do educators drink, rape, kill and abandon children?

As if to find answers to these questions, through my encounter with NVC in 2016, I discovered the beauty of "my inner child", which very early on enabled me to choose to restore my person but also to restore peace in Benin's schools. My encounter with NVC enabled me to transform my vulnerability into a life force, a belief in the benevolence of human beings. My encounter with NVC in 2016 marked an important turning point in my life, both in my ability to take care of myself and others and in the way I accompany the teaching team, the student's parents, my family, and the children. I was and remain deeply touched by the capacity for unconditional acceptance and kindness that NVC enables and by the transformative power of this process.

From now on, as an actor and trainer in NonViolent Communication, I choose to work for a paradigm shift in the schools of Benin. From now on, I choose to live in peace in order to radiate peace throughout the education system (students-parents-teachers). From now on, I will live this dream in schools, in the ACNV-Benin (Association pour la Communication NonViolente Bénin) network.

“Participating in a paradigm shift in the world of education”

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  • Social Change
“I am happy to share this moment with you. MY GRATITUDE”

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