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Certified Trainers at the Center for Nonviolent Communication

Changwon Chae

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: South Korea
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates
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Tammi Terrell

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: United States
  • Country - Original: United States
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Tammi Terrell Morris is an Author, Activist, and Spoken Word Artist. Tammi holds a Bachelors degree in Sociology and a Masters of Science Degree in Leadership and Management. Tammi is committed to building community and practicing empathy. Tammi has spent the majority of her professional career working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Tammi is currently a  a full time Caregiver to her 2 sons. In her spare time, she enjoys producing and recording material for her podcast Confused Reality as well as serving as Treasurer for the New Mexico Network for Nonviolent Communication. She hopes to use her gifts of writing poetry, performing spoken word, motivational speaking, and connecting with others to make the world a more loving and accepting place. 

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  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Viet Nam
  • Country - Original: United States
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Graduated with MSc. Strategic Leadership towards Sustainable Development with a full government scholarship from the Swedish Institute. Trang completed 2 NVC International Intensive Training in India (2020 and 2023).  Trang has been a facilitator with NEED - Compassionate Communication Vietnam since 2021, and is an active member in international facilitators communities such as Art of Hosting, Flow Game, and Circle Way Vietnam.​

For Trang, NVC is not just a method of communication but an approach to life that allows each individual to connect with and take responsibility for what happens inside them. From there, we can proactively take care of our mental health, and collaborate with each other on the foundation of compassion, understanding and care.


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Sekita Schack Rubeksen

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Denmark
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

NVC explorer

I started my NVC journey in 2005, inspired by the changes that suddenly happened for my mother, after many years of her suffering from social fear/phobia.The reason for her change was her inner work with the NVC tools.
My own goal was, the thought of, that maybe, I could learn to be the peace in the world, I wanted. Still learning ; )

Besides being still in training, I have had motivating experience using the tools from NVC in case management for debilitating illness, and have offered support to others who needed help in similar situations. It can be between state departments and a challenged person, between sick person and hospital ect.

I was involved in organising the IIT in Denmark in 2017, which was a joyful, heartwarming and motivating experience. To be in a place, surrounded by people from different cultures and parts of the world, all willing to dive into the NVC world, landed in me as a totally magical experience, and I would like again, to contribute to the outer form and frame for an IIT, in which that may unfold again.

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Shawn Specht

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: United States
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Shawn Specht, a compassionate and dedicated holistic practitioner and coach, weaves her diverse expertise in health and wellness to empower individuals towards holistic well-being and emotional freedom. Shawn Specht radiates warmth and openness, curating workshops, retreats, and courses that inspire genuine personal growth. By integrating her knowledge of SVA Ayurveda and Nonviolent Communication, she empowers individuals to navigate conflicts and challenges across all spheres of life with grace and authenticity.

Learning and Growth: Influenced by her father's holistic chiropractic practice from an early age, Shawn embarked on a transformative journey, earning a B.S. in Health and Human Performance. Her comprehensive education encompassed a spectrum of disciplines, including psychology, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, chemistry, and biology. Balancing her deep understanding of modern Western medicine with hands-on experience in holistic alternative therapies, Shawn embarked on a personal quest to foster deep healing and transformation in others. Her consistent meditation practice, augmented by immersive experiences such as the 10-Day Vipassana courses, has further enriched her spiritual and emotional learning. Her passion for growth and making the future generations more socially-emotionally resilient brought her to work as a teacher in a Waldorf-inspired school, in Northern California for ages 7-14.

She loves to read and some of her favorite books are:

  • “Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
  • “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • “Coyote’s Guide to Connecting With Nature” by Jon Young, Evan McGown, Ellen Haas
  • “The Heart of Nonviolent Communication” by Stephanie Bachmann Mattei & Kristin K. Collier
  • “A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Zen Master Jun Po Dennis Kelly Roshi” by Keith Martin-Smith



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Tamara Bucic

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Portugal
  • Country - Original: Croatia
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Tamara Bucic is originally an engineer of mathematics with a passion for movement, yoga, spirituality, nature, and music (singing). Her interests extend to dance, theater, and creativity. Since a young age, she has explored spiritual practices from various traditions and is a certified yoga teacher deeply committed to Nonviolent Communication (NVC). 

Growing up in Croatia during a time of war, she experienced a very hard environment both outside and inside her home, along with a lack of quality communication within her family, which influenced her relationships and self-perception. Recognizing the need for change, she discovered Nonviolent Communication through a book by Marshal Rosenberg, gifted by her yoga teacher. This encounter transformed her approach to communication, and she became an avid advocate of NVC, sharing its principles and techniques with others at every opportunity. 

Tamara's dedication to personal growth and meaningful human connections is evident in all she does, making her a passionate and inspiring advocate for Nonviolent Communication.

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Hyunjoo Jeong

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: South Korea
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Manager of educational department of the Korean Center for Nonviolent Communication for the last 12 years and has experience of organizing 3 International Intensive Trainings.

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Lars Veraart

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Finland
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Lars Veraart, veterinarian by trade, is now giving his life energy to creating pathways towards a living planet for all.

Lars is living with his wife Robyn (trainer at this IIT) and their son Carsten in the community where our village IIT will be held. Lars and Robyn founded Provision Transylvania, an ecological farm and learning center with the mission of creating living and learning opportunities that contribute to health and well-being for the planet and people. Regeneration and Nonviolence are key themes in their work and NVC camps, teachings and counseling are core elements of Provision Transylvania.

Lars also co-founded and runs ALPA, a local land trust which focuses on common stewardship for agricultural lands and biodiversity protection within the broader concept of bioregional regeneration. Lars is the local logistics coordinator for our IIT.

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  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Finland
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

NVC trainer candidate

I first came across NVC in 2021, and saw it as a guidebook which contained clear pictures on how to be compassionate towards others and myself in ways that I was searching for since my childhood.
Since then it has influenced my behaviour and my relationships with family, friends and coworkers to a degree that got me motivated to start the path to become a trainer.
My main motivation is to bring social change through NVC specially to the ones who’d have less chances to come across it, being financial blocks, culture and other aspects.

Recently I've been working as one of the coordinating members in an international team of certified trainers and NVC enthusiasts in order to build a school in Kenya that will work based on NVC and will be a refuge for children victims of physical punishment in schools, as well as morally and sexually abused children.

I'm also involved as a facilitator in other social projects which offer NVC for free to international communities who struggle to pay for trainings. 

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NVC Chinese Net

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: China
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

In the past 5 years, NVC Chinese Net has devoted itself to nurturing public, for-profit, and non-profit organizations, as well as schools, through Nonviolent Communication (NVC)-inspired training and initiatives.

We have lovingly crafted a robust and thriving web of communities, with Chinese-speaking NVC practitioners spread across China.

We are now embarking on an exhilarating journey, embracing a refreshed vision that aims to empower a thousand Chinese NVC leaders, while our organization is experiencing a profound metamorphosis, guided by teal organizational principles, to become an exemplar of the partnership paradigm.

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Ruth Proscovia

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Uganda
  • Country - Original: Uganda
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Ruth Olari Proscovia is a dedicated development practitioner from Uganda with a passion for social transformation through the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC).

Ruth was introduced to NVC in 2019 during her peacebuilding work in the communities of the Teso sub-region in eastern Uganda, particularly in the prevention and response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAW). Through NVC, she learned how to build and maintain relationships, partnerships, and collaborations that promote mutual respect for the feelings and needs of all, with the awareness that every human being has needs that matter.

Ruth's commitment to NVC has led her to participate in extensive NVC training programs facilitated by trainers from the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), including a 9-day International Intensive Training on NVC in Tanzania (2022), a 10-day Residential NVC training in Uganda in November 2023, and a 10-day Residential NVC training in Kenya in December 2023. These experiences have equipped her with invaluable skills for facilitating training and discussions that significantly enhance the quality of life and promote harmony in society.

Ruth has accumulated over five years of experience engaging communities and leaders in meaningful conversations aimed at addressing the deep-rooted challenges faced by underserved populations. She has done this through training, collaborations, partnerships, Alternative Dispute Resolution (mediation), appropriate referrals, counseling, and providing empathy to survivors of gender-based violence. She coordinates dialogues among community leaders—male and female cultural, religious, political, and government leaders, as well as policymakers—to influence policies, by-laws, and ordinances that support equality between men and women for peaceful coexistence in the Teso sub-region of eastern Uganda.

Ruth is currently leading a women and girls' social change initiative (the Women and Girls Empowerment Program), which seeks to empower survivors of obstetric fistula in the Northern, Eastern, and Central regions of Uganda by providing them with skills, capacity, and knowledge in civic education and advocacy. She applies NVC principles to offer psychosocial support and empathy to survivors of obstetric fistula and GBV, facilitating dialogues with policymakers, health workers, civil society organizations, government leaders, and survivors to advocate for improved maternal health outcomes in Uganda.

Through her work, Ruth passionately advocates for community engagement, partnerships, collaborations, alliances, and movements among like-minded individuals, organizations, policymakers, politicians, and government leaders to promote policy frameworks that support proper planning and decision-making for national development. Her efforts aim to uplift and empower marginalized communities, fostering a culture of understanding and empathy.

If you are seeking support with the logistics for the 2025 Kenya IIT or wish to connect with Ruth for assistance, particularly with registration, bookings, and general information, feel free to reach out to her via the form at the bottom of this page.

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Ngozi Monye

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Nigeria
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Ngozi Monye is a member of NVC Nigeria network as well as African network. She belongs to a Religious Institute and committed to her Religious Vocation.

She is a Fashion designer by profession, industrious, talented and has passion for working with the youths in her environment and beyond.

She is creative with new ideas and has passion for whatever is good and gives life. She enjoys working with the vulnerable in her environment. She is a consultant for setting up any skills acquisition centre.

Ngozi has passion for NVC and integrates NVC consciousness wherever she lives and works.
She has participated in a series of NVC trainings as well as organising and training people in NVC although not yet certified.

Her passion for NVC inspired her to participate in organizing the maiden IIT in Nigeria. She is a member of the organizing committee and responsible for organising meetings and fundraising activities, writing meeting proceedings and disseminating all correspondences concerning those who will make payment by themselves or be sponsored by the IIT .


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