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The Power of Gratitude

Liv Larsson


Gratitude is a powerful practice that can significantly increase your experience of joy in life. Ready to launch into the adventure? Make this year a real year of Gratitude.

Here is the support you have been waiting for: Rather than just telling you to ”be grateful”. This book is your personal coach in training your gratitude muscles.

Just like the participants in Liv Larsson’s gratitude project, you will get new and easy suggestions for exploring gratitude every week. By the end of the year you will have created a new habit that you will probably never want to let go of! This book applies the clarity that Nonviolent Communication (NVC) brings to what research has found to be the most important thing anybody can do to (re-)discover the magic of life. That is by filling their energy tanks and actively influencing their happiness levels through building a gratitude practice.

How about starting yours today?

Author: Liv Larsson

Pages: 176

Format: 15,25 x 22,86 cm

ISBN: 978-91-87489-23-5

First published 2014

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This book is your personal coach in training your gratitude muscles.