Learning Tool in German
Gefühls- und Bedürfniskarten
Boris Nauta
This card set consists of two cans with Feelings and Needs cards (65 cards per can).
The cards are beautifully designed by the Dutch design studio Superaarde especially for Equanimity and made from wear-resistant, matt laminated playing card cardboard.
Instructions in German on how to use these cards you can find here.
Orders are sent within a week after ordering.
These cards are also available in Dutch and in English.
Gefühls- und Bedürfniskarten
Dieses Kartenset besteht aus zwei Dosen mit Gefühls- und Bedürfniskarten (65 Stück pro Dose). Die Karten wurden vom ‘Dutch Design’ studio Superaarde speziell für Equanimity wunderschön gestaltet und aus verschleißfestem, matt laminiertem Spielkartenkarton hergestellt. Eine Gebrauchsanweisung zur Verwendung der Karten finden Sie hier.
Bestellungen werden innerhalb einer Woche nach Bestellung verschickt. Der angegebene Preis gilt pro Set inklusive Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten innerhalb der Niederlande. Bei Bestellungen außerhalb der Niederlande können beim Bezahlvorgang zusätzliche Kosten anfallen.
Es gibt auch Niederländischen und Englische Karten.

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- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 12-03-2025)
- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 11-05-2025)
- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 10-01-2025)
- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 07-02-2025)
- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 06-04-2025)
- Monthly practice group for Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 04-02-2025)
- Boris Nauta (Trainer Profile)
- Gevoelens- en Behoeftekaarten (Store Item)
- Equanimity Feelings and Needs Cards (Store Item)
- Theme day "Dealing with Dilemma" (Trainer Event 11-08-2025)
- Theme day "Anger, guilt and shame" (Trainer Event 12-12-2025)
- Theme day "Saying No!" (Trainer Event 04-12-2025)
- Theme day "Saying No!" (Trainer Event 10-10-2025)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 12-19-2025)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 10-17-2025)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 09-19-2025)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 03-21-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 11-28-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 11-07-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 10-03-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 09-05-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 07-04-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 06-13-2025)
- NVC for healthcare professionals (2-day training) (Trainer Event 05-23-2025)
- Theme day "Anger, guilt and shame" (Trainer Event 11-29-2024)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 06-27-2025)
- Deepening day Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 04-11-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 06-13-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 05-09-2025)
- Introduction to Nonviolent communication (Trainer Event 04-04-2025)