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Germany May 2025

Germany May 2025

(German & English)

International Intensive Training (IIT) by the Center for Nonviolent Communication

Begins: Friday, May 23, 2025
Ends: Sunday, June 01, 2025

Audience: Open to All Experience levels

English, German
Format: In person

Join us for this residential retreat in Wardenburg, Germany (23 May - 1 June 2025) that will help you bring nonviolence and peace into all areas of your life. In this event, you can discover skills that will help you improve the quality of your relationships, deepen your inner peace, and increase your contribution to the world. Each session will be in English and German. This event is recognized as 'Bildungsurlaub' in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Feel your feelings💝- live your needs💎

Actual domination paradigm cuts us off from feelings and needs, pushes us towards efficiency, competition and rationality, strengthens  attachment to strategies, and defining our worth by how much we earn and “deserve”, all of which can easily lead to separation and conflict.

We want to encourage the practice of creating a world in which we learn again to trust our feelings to connect to our needs.🌏 Where we can be vulnerable expressing them, and practice asking for what we want, need - while leaving space to  embrace other people's needs and perspectives.🫶

How can being in connection with feelings and needs:

  • bring us closer together as a community? ✅ 
  • provide space for learning and inner growth? ✅
  • allow for creating harmony, mutual support and healthy cooperation?✅

An IIT is an intensive residential training where people with various levels of NVC-expierience learn, share and practice NVC in plenary, in large and small groups, in pairs and through living together. 
Five trainers from three continents (🇳🇱 🇵🇱 🇩🇪 🇨🇴 )offer their experience, while many more of the participants also share their time, knowledge, skills and talents.

🪄 We want to experience living together while daring to show ourselves fully, and accepting others just the way they are. We want to become more skilled in addressing power imbalances in order to overcome the domination lifestyle, and move towards collective liberation.

Within the framework provided by Marshall's legacy, we want to create spaces together with the participants in which we can explore how individual and shared sensing and living can become possible.

We might learn NVC as a simple skill, a mechanical technique which can help to communicate with ourself and our loved ones. Yet sooner or later we discover the depth of NVC, how it shifts our inner reality and opens us up to something bigger. Then our connection with others and the world at large becomes our core value, and we are ready and capable to forgive (or empathize with) our enemies, restore broken relationships and heal ourselves.🌐🙏

This is the fuller potential that NVC opens up for us; and which we hope to seek together with you.


We explicitly wish to make this IIT accessible for those who do not speak English well enough to express their emotions and needs. Therefore, we will offer translation of all community meetings and workshop sessions into German and English (consecutively). 🎉The team of interpreters is made up of translators experienced in NVC who have translated at least once at an IIT or comparable seminar.

9-day residential retreat in Nonviolent Communication

This 9-day immersion experience into Nonviolent Communication (NVC) will offer learning sessions, home groups, coaching and feedback from skilled trainers, and a community environment where you can learn and practice the key skills of NVC.

Our team of Certified Trainers will share both the core curriculum of NVC as developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, as well as their own unique applications. We expect a group of approximately 60 to 70 people from different countries, cultural backgrounds, professions and walks of life.

People around the world are using Nonviolent Communication skills to transform conflict, create resilience in their relationships, and build a world where everyone's needs matter and are met collaboratively.

We will create a dynamic learning laboratory that will show you how to create a more compassionate and peaceful culture in your life at home, at work, and in your community by learning how to:

  1. Speak from the heart
  2. Practice deep, non-judgmental listening
  3. Build self-empowerment from the inside out

Watch a question-and-answer session with Marta Kułaga and Simran Wester.

Watch the recording of the session on "The Power of Request" followed by a question-and-answer session with Marta Kułaga and Johannes Henn.

The cost of this training includes two components: 1) Tuition; and 2) Room and Board. Click below for details.

Join our Facebook group!


IIT training team for Germany May 2025

Introducing the Certified Trainers you will learn from and meet during your stay. Each will share the core curriculum of NVC as developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, as well as their own unique approach and passion for NVC. You'll also connect with many like-minded people from different countries, cultural backgrounds, professions and walks of life.

IIT organizing team for Germany May 2025


The purpose of this intensive training is to give you the opportunity to live the process of Nonviolent Communication in community over an extended period of time, in order to develop the mindsets and practical tools to help you in three areas:

Personal and Professional Relationships

  • Increase connection and closeness with the people you love.
  • Speak in a way that inspires compassion and understanding.
  • Initiate difficult conversations with more ease and confidence.
  • Remain centered and peaceful when receiving difficult messages.
  • Express and receive anger fully, safely and respectfully... yet powerfully.
  • Resolve long-standing conflicts and heal painful relationships.
  • Parent children from the heart and move beyond power struggles into cooperation.
  • Translate criticism, judgments and blame into life-serving messages.

Inner Transformation

  • Shift patterns of thinking that lead to depression, guilt and shame and that perpetuate pain.
  • Transform anger into self-understanding, thereby increasing inner peace.
  • Enliven yourself by expressing and receiving gratitude.
  • Learn to embody unconditional love.

Contribution to others and Social Change

  • Share NVC in ways that transmit and model its power to transform and inspire others.
  • Create educational systems where students love learning and teachers love teaching.
  • Learn to engage in effective, lasting nonviolent social change in the tradition of Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Facilitate meetings and support group decision making in a power-sharing, collaborative, and consensus-based ways.
  • Support holistic and human-based workplaces.
  • Engage with others at work and in the community to foster openness, trust and authenticity.
  • Support mutual understanding and connection when working in colonized countries.
  • Foster restoration and harmony by mediating conflicts and helping to resolve differences among others.
While we will prioritize these three areas in the curriculum, there is also room for co-creation. There will be opportunities for you to request specific topics and applications to support you in living and sharing NVC at work, home, and in the community as well as internally in how you relate to yourself.

Preregister for Germany May 2025

United States +1
Mobile phone preferred if you have one; if not, provide another phone number
↗ Check each item that describes you.
Tell us what you remember about the IIT you attended (approximate year, trainers, and/or location)
It helps us to know which Assessors have candidates attending this event.
Please check every way you heard about this event.