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June 2024: Here are some of the newest people to join the Certified Trainer community. We invite you to get to know them by reading their stories below. If you would like to contact them, please visit their trainer page and use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page. You can also see an historical record of new Certified Trainers since November 2023.

FROM THE Assessor, Marianne Sikor

[EN] Markus has been registered with me in 2021, and we have been in regular contact about his learnings in teaching, living, and knowing Nonviolent Communication. During several mentoring- and assessment days (3 days each), Markus was supported in his process with 360-degree feedback by my team members Johannes Henn and Vivet Alevi and our Candidates' Community.

I'm delighted with Markus's enthusiasm and commitment to sharing NVC in the educational area, his main focus as a Trainer. He works with educators and children and seems to have a special gift for connecting with them and giving impulses for a more life-serving way of being together in this area. I value a lot how he is not only teaching it there but also living NVC and learning in his own family. I'm really looking forward to seeing him as a member of our CNVC Trainer network and am looking forward to his contributions in sharing NVC and supporting social change, especially in the educational area.

[DE] Ich freue mich, mit Markus Ritter den Schritt zur Zertifizierung zu gehen. Er ist seit 2021 bei mir registriert und wir standen in regelmäßigem Kontakt über seine Erfahrungen im Lehren, Leben und Wissen der Prozesse und Prinzipien der GFK. Während mehrerer Mentoring- und Assessment-Tage (jeweils 3 Tage) wurde Markus in seinem Prozess mit 360 Grad Feedback von meinen Teammitgliedern Johannes Henn und Vivet Alevi und unserer Kandidat*innen-Community unterstützt.

Ich freue mich sehr über Markus' Enthusiasmus und Engagement, GFK im Bildungsbereich weiterzugeben, seinem Hauptschwerpunkt als Trainer. Er arbeitet mit Erzieher*innen und Kindern und scheint eine besondere Gabe zu haben, mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten und Impulse für ein lebensdienliches Miteinander in diesem Bereich zu geben. Ich schätze es sehr, dass er GFK nicht nur dort lehrt, sondern auch in seiner eigenen Familie lebt und lernt. Ich freue mich sehr, ihn als Mitglied in unserem CNVC-Trainer*innen-Netzwerk zu sehen und bin gespannt auf seinen Beitrag beim Weitergeben der GFK und zur Unterstützung sozialer Veränderung, insbesondere im Bildungsbereich.

From Markus:

My journey began in 2012 after my therapy. Through Nonviolent Communication, I experienced deeper contact with myself and inner growth. From then on, I was able to build, strengthen, and maintain my connection to myself. For me, it is a process that has begun and will continue throughout my life. I am going on this journey with joy, devotion, and gentleness. I always want to treat myself and all other beings that enter my life with mindfulness and kindness.

Through NVC, I have discovered the possibility of extending the time between stimulus and response. Through NVC, I was able to take my stress management to a new level. And that is exactly what I want to enable other people to do by accompanying them. My vision is to make the world a little kinder. The main way to do this is through our children. If I can exemplify and convey the attitude of NVC to my children, they will help shape our future with love. It is, therefore, a matter close to my heart to inspire, support, and encourage children, parents, and, above all, educational professionals through my work with the NVC so that they can experience everyday life more easily through the NVC. In this way, we can achieve sustainable and positive changes together. 

I am also part of a project group with other NVC Trainers, the aim of which is to establish NVC as an integral part of elementary education. I am delighted to be part of the network and would like to contribute to its continued growth. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has accompanied and supported me through the certification process. My family has been my greatest teacher - thank you for the situations that have allowed me to grow.


We salute Aleksandra's patience and perseverance throughout the training course, and for getting through the challenges she encountered. Alexandra gratefully accepts the FBs and uses them to grow. Working mainly in the field of education, she often encounters challenges that she overcomes thanks to her authenticity and creativity.

Involved in DECLIC (NVC Education in France), she would like to cooperate in spreading NVC. Being Polish, Alexandra is keen to raise awareness among parents at a Polish school where she lives. Alexandra is already well integrated in the Ile de France region, where her colleagues are delighted by her presence.

From Aleksandra:

I am thrilled every time I touch the need and feel what is alive. The Certification Process was a real journey into my own (and others') deep NEEDS and how we can create a safe space together. It was also about giving and receiving feedback, gratitude, and empathy.


We appreciate the way Anne meets people where they are with an open heart. Faced with a challenge in a transmission situation, she relies on Nonviolent Communication to remain connected to herself and dare to express herself authentically. For example, with young apprentices, she has been able to reinvent each workshop, developing her creativity.

She would like to get involved in education and parenting, work with hospital care teams, and mediate within families and couples. Anne is active in the Rhône Alpes Auvergne region, cooperating with her peers and fellow trainers.

From Anne:

In Risking Freedom, philosopher Fabrice Midal writes that the warrior is not an unshakeable being who feels nothing but one who accepts his vulnerability: "The ideal warrior must experience sadness and tenderness," he writes, "For it is from these that he draws his great valor. Without this sadness, which comes from the depths of the heart, valor is as fragile as a porcelain cup: if you drop it, it breaks or chips."


[EN] Tonja registered as a Certification Candidate with me in 2018, and we have been in regular contact about her learnings in teaching, living, and knowing Nonviolent Communicaction. During four mentoring and assessment days (3 days each), Tonja was supported in her process with 360-degree feedback by my team members Johannes Henn and Vivet Alevi and our candidate's community.

I am impressed with how Tonja integrates NVC into her work as a family and parenting counselor. Together with her colleague Liane Lauprecht, who is also a Certified Trainer, she is dedicated to bringing the gift of NVC to her work, her company, and her clients, for example, by holding an online exercise group in COVID times - a group that also has been valued by NVC people all over Germany. I appreciate a lot her engagement in the certification process and her service to our candidate's community. 

She volunteered to be the contact person of our welcoming circle, answering questions and transferring her enthusiasm about the process to lots of persons interested in joining the certification path. I'm so grateful for this huge support! And I love the joyful way she offered to do it and how she did this support. I'm really looking forward to see her as a member of our CNVC trainer network and am looking forward to her contributions. Welcome, Tonja!

[DE] Ich freue mich, mit Tonja Christ ihren Prozess mit der Zertifizierung zu feiern und abzuschließen. Sie ist seit 2018 bei mir registriert und wir waren in regelmäßigem Kontakt über ihre Lernerfahrungen im Lehren, Leben und Wissen von GFK. In vier Mentoring- und Assessment-Tagen (je 3 Tage) wurde Tonja in ihrem Prozess mit 360 Grad Feedback von meinen Teammitgliedern Johannes Henn und Vivet Alevi und unserer Kandidaten-Community unterstützt.

Für mich ist es beeindruckend, wie Tonja GFK in ihre Arbeit als Familien- und Erziehungsberaterin integriert. Zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Liane, die ebenfalls zertifizierte Trainerin ist, setzt sie sich dafür ein, das Geschenk von GFK in ihre Arbeit, ihr Unternehmen und zu ihren Klient*innen zu bringen, indem sie z.B. eine Online-Übungsgruppe in COVID-Zeiten abgehalten haben - eine Gruppe, die auch von GFK-Leuten in ganz Deutschland geschätzt wurde. Ich schätze ihr Engagement im Zertifizierungsprozess und ihren Dienst für unsere Kandidat*innen-Gemeinschaft sehr.

Sie hat sich als Ansprechpartnerin für unseren Willkommenskreis zur Verfügung gestellt, um Fragen zu beantworten und ihre Begeisterung über den Prozess an viele Interessierte weiterzugeben, die sich auf den Zertifizierungsweg begeben wollen. Ich bin so dankbar für diese große Unterstützung! Und ich liebe die freudige Art und Weise, wie sie diese Unterstützung anbot und umsetzte. Ich freue mich sehr darauf, sie als Mitglied in unserem CNVC-Trainer*innen-Netzwerk zu sehen und bin gespannt auf ihre Beiträge. Herzlich willkommen, Tonja!

FROM Tonja:

[EN] I found my two certification groups to be very helpful, nurturing, and contributing to growth in the certification process. Both met monthly. There are 12 people in the certification process in one group, some of whom are from another Assessor team, and in the other group, there are four of us. The exchange in these two groups was very different from any other exchange, as everyone is very enthusiastic, focused, and intense, and also enjoys facing similar questions, hurdles, fears, threats, grief, powers, thoughts, and curiosities with empathy and all emotional states with much greater openness than without the certification process.

The way I was able to move through dark valleys with complete trust with the support of the groups and the way others in the groups asked me for empathy was definitely strengthened by the shared path of certification. I would say that unbreakable bonds have been formed. When I look back, the 2 NVC practice groups (one in person and one online) are particularly worth mentioning because they filled me with pride and a deep sense of meaning.

Because these were open groups without registration, the participants were usually too "shy" to show their own conflicts at first. As a result, I always showed myself with my own conflicts and made myself available as an example. The situation has not changed in the five years. So it came to be that I made my own conflicts available in every practice group so that the group could learn from them. This of course meant that I got to know myself incredibly well.

Since I stand for variety, I always brought other conflicts into the practice group. I hardly dealt with anything on my own anymore. If I had a conflict, I didn't think about it any further except to take it with me to the next practice group. This meant that I was extremely well nourished and at the same time I was able to determine for myself what was successful and helpful support and what was less or not at all helpful. Practice groups have been extremely helpful for me.

The certification is still particularly important to me in that it has given me more support in my personal process than if I had lived NVC without certification. Through the certification process, I paid more attention to my commitment, my personal growth, the integration of NVC into my everyday life, into political committees, and was amazed at how the entries in my diary had changed. I took NVC a little more seriously when I got certified, which I am not necessarily proud of. I need the support of the group, the community, to really stick with it. The certification gave me the framework that gave me the support to think outside the box and to dare to take the leap into my own power.

[DE] Sehr hilfreich und nährend und zum Wachstum beitragend im Prozess der Zertifizierung, habe ich meine beiden Zertifizierunggruppen erlebt. Beide haben sich monatlich getroffen. In der einen Gruppe sind 12 sich in Zertifizierung Befindende auch teils aus einem anderen Asssessorinnen-Team und in der anderen Gruppe sind wir zu viert. Der Austausch in diesen beiden Gruppen war doch ganz anderer Natur als sonst irgendein Austausch, da alle sich eben mit großer Begeisterung, mit Focus und Intensität, und auch Freude haben, sich ähnlichen Fragen, Hürden, Ängsten, Bedrohungen, dem Trauern, Mächten, Gedanken, Kuriositäten mit Empathie und allen Gefühlslagen mit viel größerer Offenheit zu stellen als ohne den Prozess der Zertifizierung.

Wie ich mich mit Unterstützung der Gruppen durch dunkele Täler bewegen konnte in vollem Vertrauen und wie andere aus den Gruppen mich um Empathie gebeten haben, ist bestimmt durch den gemeinsamen Weg der Zertifizierung noch verstärkt worden. Es sind Verbindungen entstanden, die unkaputtbar sind, würde ich behaupten wollen. Wenn ich zurückblicke, sind wirklich die 2 GFK Übungsgruppen (eine in Präsenz / eine online) für mich besonders erwähnenswert, weil sie mich mit Stolz und tiefer Sinnhaftigkeit erfüllt haben.

Dadurch, dass dies offene Gruppen ohne Anmeldung waren, waren die Teilnehmenden meist anfangs zu „schüchtern“, sich mit eigenen Konflikten zu zeigen. Dadurch habe ich mich immer mit eigenen Konflikten gezeigt und mich exemplarisch zur Verfügung gestellt. In den 5 Jahren hat sich die Situation nicht verändert. So kam es dazu, dass ich in jeder Übungsgruppe meine eigenen Konflikte zur Verfügung gestellt habe, damit die Gruppe daran lernen kann. Das hatte natürlich zur Folge, dass ich mich unfassbar gut kennengelernt habe.

Da ich für Abwechslung stehe, habe ich immer andere Konflikte in die Übungsgruppe reingetragen. Ich habe kaum noch etwas mit mir alleine ausgemacht. Hatte ich einen Konflikt, habe ich nichts weitergedacht, außer ihn mit in die nächste Übungsgruppe zu nehmen. Dadurch war ich extrem gut genährt und konnte auch gleichzeitig an mir selbst feststellen, was eine gelungene und hilfreiche Begleitung ist und was weniger bis gar nicht hilfreich ist. Übungsgruppen sind extrem hilfreich für mich gewesen.

Die Zertifizierung hat für mich nach wie vor zunächst insofern besondere Bedeutung, als dass sie mir als Begleitung auf meinem persönlichen Prozess mehr Unterstützung geboten hat als wenn ich GFK ohne Zertifizierung gelebt hätte. Durch den Prozess der Zertifizierung achtete ich vermehrt auf mein Engagement, mein persönliches Wachstum, das Einfügen der GFK in meinen Alltag, in politische Gremien und stellte staunend fest, wie die Einträge in meinem Tagebuch sich verändert haben. Ich nahm die GFK noch ein Stückchen ernster, wenn ich mich zertifizieren lasse, worauf ich nicht unbedingt stolz bin. Ich brauche die Unterstützung der Gruppe, der Gemeinschaft, um wirklich dran zu bleiben. Die Zertifizierung gab mir den Rahmen, der mir Halt gegeben hat über den Tellerrand gesehen zu haben, den Sprung in die eigene Kraft gewagt zu haben.

FROM THE ASSESSOR, Valérie Lanctôt-Bédard

[EN] After more than 21 years of experience as a primary school teacher, Valérie has a deep understanding of the schooling world and its challenges. I am delighted with her commitment to continuing to offer her best to help this environment evolve in the direction of more kindness and spaces conducive to the multidimensional growth of tomorrow's adults.

Throughout her NVC journey (in addition to all the other approaches that she has integrated thanks to her passion for the inner work of liberation), I was a privileged witness to Valérie's transformation of her relationship to herself: she has more inner clarity, a greater capacity to take care of herself and above all a greater power to act which gives her confidence in her skills. Over the years, I have seen her empowerment continually grow in her relationships with her family, her work colleagues and her students, thanks to her ability to be more and more authentic and assertive - without ever losing care for the relationship, even in conditions that most of us would describe as extreme! In the appreciation of the complicity with my co-assessor, Marcelle Bélanger.

[FR] Après plus de 21 années d’expérience en tant qu'enseignante au primaire, Valérie a une compréhension profonde du monde scolaire et de ses enjeux. Je me réjouis de son engagement à continuer d’offrir son meilleur pour aider ce milieu à évoluer dans le sens de plus de bienveillance et d’espaces propices à la croissance multidimensionnelle des adultes de demain.

Au fil de son parcours en CNV (en plus de toutes les autres approches qu’elle aura intégré grâce à sa passion pour le travail intérieur de libération), j’ai été une témoin privilégiée de la transformation de la relation de Valérie avec elle-même: elle a plus de clarté intérieure, une plus grande capacité à prendre soin d’elle et surtout un pouvoir d’agir plus grand qui lui donne confiance en ses compétences. J’ai vu, au fil des années, l’augmentation continue de son empuissancement dans ses relations avec sa famille, ses collègues de travail et ses élèves, grâce à sa capacité à être de plus en plus en authentique et affirmée - sans jamais perdre le soin pour la relation, même dans des conditions que la plupart d’entre nous qualifieraient d’extrêmes! Dans l’appréciation de la complicité avec ma co-certificatrice, Marcelle Bélanger.

From ValÉrie:

It was a beautiful journey, and I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to learn with Spiralis, which was great for my learning, integration, and evolution in the process of becoming a certified trainer. It was longer than I would have like because of the paper work asked from my Assessors. I was more into doing conferences, workshops, and training in different areas than working on my paperwork. I decided to dedicate my last summer into it and i did. My celebration was great, and I'm really happy to be a certified trainer.


Marleen is open to learning and dares to be vulnerable. I experience her with a sweet combination of strength and humbleness in the way she shows herself, as well as in her role as a trainer. Marleen dived deep into her personal issues and has experienced the transformation from Nonviolent Communication inside herself. I fully trust her wisdom, which will be shared with others who are on her path to learning NVC.

From Marleen:

[EN] As a parent and teacher, I became aware that I was communicating mostly from right and wrong ... and I noticed that I felt unhappy and unsatisfied with that and did not see how it could be different. In 2014, at an introductory course, I heard how Marshall Rosenberg offered concrete tools to communicate in a connecting way. I got all excited to discover that there was another wavelength to meet; from self-connection I can connect with the other, from curiosity discover what lives in me? What lives in you?

To my surprise, this curiosity persisted, and I wanted to grow and learn... so I became a registered candidate in 2019 with Thera Balvers. I decided to become a Certified Trainer to learn to live more from this NVC consciousness and to share this from my enthusiasm with others at home, at school, to children, colleagues, and parents ... and thus contribute to a loving world. Taking courses with different trainers, practice groups, and empathy buddies... contributed and still contributes to growing NVC awareness.

Because this is what brought me the certification process: not only the “knowing” of NVC, also the deepening of my consciousness, the deep contact with myself through sorrow and pain, discovering what all needs attention in myself, expressing that and taking into account the other ... discovering the power of vulnerability, tasting the connection in shared humanity in the community. It is clear that this is an ongoing process for me, and I am committed to continuing to learn and grow in the NVC community.

[DE] Als ouder en leerkracht werd ik mij er bewust van dat ik vooral communiceerde vanuit goed en fout ... en ik merkte dat ik me daar ongelukkig en onvoldaan bij voelde en zag niet hoe het anders kon... Totdat in 2014 ik op een introductiecursus hoorde hoe Marshall Rosenberg concrete handvaten aanreikte om op een verbindende manier te communiceren. Ik werd helemaal enthousiast om te ontdekken dat er een andere golflengte was om elkaar te ontmoeten: vanuit zelfverbinding kan ik me verbinden met de ander, vanuit nieuwsgierigheid ontdekken wat leeft in mij? Wat leeft in jou? Tot mijn verbazing bleef die nieuwsgierigheid voortduren en wou ik groeien en leren ... en zodoende werd ik geregistreerd kandidaat in 2019 bij Thera Balvers.

Ik besloot om een gecertificeerd trainer te worden om zelf meer vanuit dit NVC-bewustzijn te leren leven en dit vanuit mijn enthousiasme met anderen te kunnen delen thuis, op school, aan kinderen, collega's, ouders .... en op die manier bij te dragen aan een liefdevolle wereld. Het volgen van cursussen bij verschillende trainers, oefengroepen, empathiebuddy's ... droeg en draagt nog steeds bij aan het groeien in NVC-bewustzijn.

Want dit is wat mij het certificeringsproces bracht: niet alleen het "kennen" van NVC, ook de verdieping van mijn bewustzijn, het diepe contact met mezelf door verdriet en pijn, ontdekken wat er allemaal aandacht nodig heeft in mezelf, daar expressie aan geven en rekening houden met de ander, de kracht van de kwetsbaarheid ontdekken, de verbinding proeven in gedeelde menselijkheid in de community. Het is duidelijk dat dit voor mij een on-going proces is en ik engageer me om verder te leren en te groeien in de NVC-community.

FROM THE ASSESSOR, Marcelle Belanger

[EN] Marion is a bearer of peace and goodwill. Its integration shows us its ability to share the process with integrity and clarity! Great ability to convey concepts with simplicity, dynamism and benevolence. My experience with her as an assistant has been very supportive and she brings a great presence and quality to the transmission. She cares about the quality of the link and create a safe space for learning.

[FR] Marion has a great concern for the community and she has an ability to rally people and co-create! In the final part of her journey, I was accompanied by co-evaluators Gina Siluwa Censiose and Valérie Lanctôt-Bédard who are also celebrating Marion’s certification. Je suis heureuse de recommander Marion pour rejoindre la communauté des formateurs certifiés. Marion est porteuse de paix et de bienveillance. 

Son intégration, nous démontre sa capacité à partager le processus avec intégrité et clarté ! Grande capacité à transmettre les notions avec simplicité, dynamisme et bienveillance. Mon expérience avec elle en tant qu’assistante a été très supportante et elle apporte une grande présence et qualité dans la transmission. Elle a à cœur la qualité du lien et de créer un espace sécuritaire pour l’apprentissage. Marion a un grand souci pour la communauté et elle a une capacité à rallier les gens et à co-créer! Dans la dernière partie de son parcours, j’étais accompagnée des co-évaluatrices Gina Censiose et Valérie Lanctot-Bédard qui célèbrent également la certification de Marion.

From Marion:

[EN]  I was certified in March 2022, 11 years after my first NVC training.  However, the first person to talk to me about NVC was my mom, over 20 years ago! She took a course and came back with new ideas, new ways of doing things. A seed had been sown, even if all I remember of her sharing at the time is: speak to the “I”! I'm currently working in social and community housing. I'm really keen to share NVC in this environment, informally, with people who are unlikely to go for training.  One of my desires is to contribute to making NVC more accessible and inclusive. 

[FR] J'ai été certifiée en mars 2022, soit 11 ans après avoir suivi ma première formation en CNV.  La première personne à m'avoir parlé de CNV est toutefois ma maman, il y a plus de 20 ans! Elle avait suivi un stage et était revenu avec des nouvelles idées, des nouvelles manières de faire. Une graine avait été semée, même si tout ce dont je me souviens de ses partages de l'époque, c'est : parle au "je"! Actuellement, je travaille dans le logement social et communautaire. J'ai vraiment à cœur de partager la CNV dans cet environnement, de manière informelle, à des personnes qui ont peu de chances d'aller suivre une formation.  Un de mes désirs est de contribuer à rendre la CNV plus accessible et inclusive. 

from the assessor, Maria Hechenberger

[EN] I knew Kathrin for half a year as a candidate when I had the chance to observe her accompanying other participants on the dance floor at the IIT in Goldrain, Italy in 2022. I was touched by her manner, which I would describe as attentive and sensitive. At the same time, I could see that she knew exactly where they were in the process at any given moment and guided them safely through their process.

I met Kathrin in this way again and again, whether at MATs or when I sat in on her exercise group. I think she is treading the path as an NVC trainer and as a person with great care and conscientiousness and I am convinced that her participants are in good hands with her, and I am delighted that she is completing the certification process here and enriching our international network with her participation. 

from Kathrin:

When I look back at the beginning of my journey with Nonviolent Communication, I feel gratitude and warmth in my belly. I was dealing with big life questions, and by accident, I found myself in an NVC introduction. That course sowed a precious seed in me, and I got a glimpse of the treasure that wanted to be discovered. I discovered the simultaneity of emotions, needs, and values in me and among us humans, and the resources arising from that diversity.

One of my most remarkable insights was to experience the difference between the trigger and the underlying cause, which led me to freedom of choice. At the beginning, I found it very helpful to stay close to the structure and model of formal NVC. I was and still am so used to understanding new things intellectually and mostly by myself that I so much enjoyed, and still enjoy, this different approach of experiencing insights through my whole being in a community.

Letting the gained insights sink into my belly and letting it spread from there as trust and confidence has been transformative. Since the beginning of my journey with NVC, I have been supported and embedded within a group of peers. I’m grateful for the many nourishing encounters I experience in the NVC community.

from the Assessor, Gina Siluwa Cenciose

I am in celebration and joy in our team's part of supporting Alexis on his path towards living, integrating and sharing Nonviolent Communication in the world. Here are some words about him and his journey, we are breathing the air of gratitude and joy for what has resulted in his path, our path, our relations, all our relations.

from Alexis:

I grew up in France and I am living in Quebec since 2014. I first studied and worked as an engineer in acoustics and techs. I was so afraid of conflicts and some «intense» people, it was so hard for me to say «no», to raise my voice, and to listen to my limits. I put a lot of energy to save others and keep a pseudo harmony, and highly criticized with myself and others (but not saying it!).

In 2018, I met NVC and completely went into it. Its potential captivated me, and I immediately engaged with intensive training. Having strong ecological values, I quit my engineer’s job. Then with NVC, I «stopped» judging others, being a good NVC learner, doing it the right way to avoid the impacts of jackal’s world. This was terrible haha, but necessary to go through some « jackal » aspects in my evolution. So it hasn't been a smooth journey, but it is the most beautiful gift I have received in my life, as I can now connect with others in a way I never imagined was possible, by living and reliving it intentionally. I also feel more peaceful and able to connect with with people I used to judge a lot, differencing theirself more easily from their actions to see their humanity. It is absolutely imperfect now, but I feel more alive than before, being more authentic and okay to be a trigger for others.

My Assessor was Gina Censioce. I have also closely worked with Jacinthe Thériault Fortier, Marcelle Bélanger, and Robert Bouchard from Quebec and have been greatly inspired by Miki Kashtan, Issâ Padovani, and Thomas d'Ansembourg. I love mountain running, camping, playing frisbee, and board games. These are my favorite ways to connect with myself, others, and life. Over the past few years, I have offered two-day trainings, practice groups, short workshops and conferences (to general public, mental health NGO, university settings, ecology, engineering, horizontal organizations, and entrepreneurship groups), as well as individual coaching sessions with NVC consciousness. I feel very happy to engage with you, to continue this beautiful journey together, to support each other, to evolve, and to share values that are dear to us, to support life.

from the Assessor, Stephanie Bachmann Mattei

[EN] During Giuliano's certification journey, Ruud Baanders and I had the honor of enjoying his frankness in human relationships, his dedication to inner growth, his openness to feedback, and his courage to face the vicissitudes of life. It was a journey of mutual growth that does not end with certification. Giuliano, welcome to our Italian and international network!

[IT] Durante il percorso di certificazione di Giuliano, Ruud Baanders ed io abbiamo avuto l'onore di godere della sua schiettezza nei rapporti umani, della sua dedizione alla crescita interiore, della sua apertura al feedback, e del suo coraggio ad affrontare le vicissitudini della vita. E' stato un cammino di crescita reciproca che non finisce con la certificazione. Giuliano, benvenuto nella nostra rete italiana ed internazionale!

from Giuliano:

[EN] This has been a long journey for me, more than 10 years in the making. One of my trainers, Ganga Cording, talked to me one day about this approach and I was fascinated.... at first it was pure curiosity, desire to experiment. I met Petra Quast and attended basic training, in Italy. I was still doing a lot of things at that time, many collaborations that had grown over the years.

As the Nonviolent Communication language impacted me and the experience in the community progressed, I found myself transferring the basic points of this approach into my work with people, into the workshops I was organizing, into my training of union cadres in Lombardy and Tuscany. It made a difference, for me, everything became more real, coherent, and dignified. In 2017, I was able to participate in IIT in Italy, and this experience overwhelmed me. I had the chance to meet beautiful souls, inspired trainers, who made me feel what CNV could become, at what level you could live it, embody... always on that occasion I met my future Assessor and a path began that transformed my life. It was not an idyllic walk.

I went through moments of distrust, of discouragement, of perplexity, of rebellion.... I fought against, I fought for.... then I stopped fighting. I doubted my path but never managed to abandon it. I even 'officially' communicated my surrender and then totally surrendered to the process and its transformative magic. I love Nonviolent Communication, the message it carries, the profound understandings it offers. Today I see it as the pulsating substance of all that I believe is true and important in the encounter between human beings. It is also the cherry that completes a 30-year journey of research. The keystone. Now that the certification journey has concluded, I do not feel that I have come to the end of something ... rather I am finally at the beginning of a world of possibilities, to be shared with passion and much integrity.

[IT]  Questo è stato per me un lungo viaggio, più di 10 anni di vita. Una mia trainer, Ganga Cording, mi parlò un giorno di questo approccio e ne restai affascinato.... all'inizio era pura curiosità, voglia di sperimentare... ho conosciuto Petra Quast e ho frequentato formazione base, in Italia. Facevo ancora tante cose a quel tempo, molte collaborazioni che erano cresciute negli anni...

Man mano che il linguaggio CNV impattava su di me e l'esperienza nella comunità procedeva, mi son trovato a trasferire i punti fondamentali di questo approccio nel mio lavoro con le persone, nei workshop che organizzavo, nella mia formazione dei quadri sindacali in Lombardia e Toscana... Ha fatto la differenza, per me, tutto diventava più vero, coerente, dignitoso.... Nel 2017 ho potuto partecipare all'IIT in Italia e questa esperienza mi ha travolto. Ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare anime bellissime, trainer ispirati, che mi hanno fatto sentire cosa la CNV poteva diventare, a che livello la si poteva vivere, incarnare.... sempre in quell'occasione ho conosciuto la mia futura Assessor ed è iniziato un percorso che ha trasformato la mia vita. Non è stata una passeggiata idilliaca....

Ho passato momenti di sfiducia, di scoraggiamento, di perplessità, di ribellione.... ho lottato contro, ho lottato per... poi ho smesso di lottare. Ho dubitato del mio percorso ma non sono mai riuscito ad abbandonarlo. Ho perfino comunicato 'ufficialmente' la mia rinuncia per poi arrendermi totalmente al processo e alla sua magia di trasformazione. Amo la Comunicazione non violenta, il messaggio che porta, le profonde comprensioni che offre. Oggi la considero la sostanza pulsante di tutto quello che credo sia vero e importante nell'incontro tra esseri umani. E' anche la ciliegina che completa un percorso di trent'anni di ricerca. La chiave di volta. Ora che il percorso di certificazione si è concluso, non sento di essere arrivato alla fine di qualcosa ... piuttosto finalmente sono all'inizio di un mondo di possibiltà, da condividere con passione e molta integrità.